mercredi, mai 31, 2017

Whish you were here

It's funny how lonely you can be sometimes. 

I really wish I was different. Like the girls who don't have to try so hard.  Now I just feel sad and alone, and I wish you were here. Not because you could hear and heal me, but because if you were I wouldn't be an abandonic pathetic and suckatlovingpeople woman. 

I feel destroy and broken into million pieces by every man, every person in my life. I feel like I don't belong anywhere. Like I have no place to go or to be. 

I constantly feel abandonned, disapointed, decived, guilty, angry, sad, alone. And I have no fucking idea who to talk to. Because she's gone and he don't understand me. 

I feel judged. 




And I don't want to be like this again. 

Sometimes I just scream in my car because I'm desperate. 

Can we go back and start over one more time please ?  
I want it to work but I know it can't.

I was fine when I stopped feeling anything. 

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